
Giving Form

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Last Name:






What Is Giving

God's people have always been characterized by giving, but the way they've given has changed over time. For example, people no longer bring goats, sheep, calves and grain to God as they did in the Old Testament. Giving money is simpler, cleaner and theologically sounder since Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice. As the way that money is exchanged changes, we at Church of Christ are extending members a new way to offer their financial gifts to God.

Giving is an important aspect of the Christian life. After all, Luke records that Jesus himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). At Church of Christ, we want to encourage all members to pray about giving and give as God leads them.

For those who prefer an online way to give, the church website now offers one. Feel free to set up an account and make an offering, or contact the church for help with giving through the site.